Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Good Friend and Good Food!

Day 3 after surgery:
My best friend Jen came to visit me, the cripple who doesn't leave the house. Jen lives in San Diego so I'm about an hour drive away. She is an RN nurse and works two jobs, so time with her is precious, since her free time is rare.


That's right, Jen, Jeff and I went to Baja Fresh for lunch. It was such a beautiful day and it felt so good to get out. We ate outside to soak up the summer sun. I think I may have over done it yesterday because my knee has been really swollen even though I've been icing as instructed.

Day 4 after surgery:
Today I plan on taking it easy and staying off my leg as much as possible. I am suppose to walk every hour for about 5-10 minutes. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning and I'm hoping that he will clear me to go back to work on Monday. But I have a feeling I'm hoping for a lot. We'll see, I'm keeping a positive outlook.

This morning Jeff is going to spoil me with some French Toast. Yummmyy!

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