King size of Mike and Ikes,original fruits.

Junk food...
A cookie staple, Keebler's Fudge Shoppe- Grasshopper cookies. Yummy!

Sun Chips (Great Mulitgrains)

... And to wash it all down... Good Old IBC Root Beer.

Book I'm reading:

When Jeff isn't working, we like pass the time playing cards:

Jeff took Monday off, and he has been working from home Tuesday and Wednesday, but tomorrow he will go back to work and it will be up to me to keep myself occupied. Since he doesn't work far from home, only two miles, he will be able to come home and help me get something to eat around lunch time.
I get to take my bandages off so I'm going to try and take a bath this morning. The only problem is that our bath is on the third floor. I made it up one flight of stairs on Monday, so I'm on the second floor, but I think it helped that my knee was still kind of numb. I'm not as worried about getting up the stairs to the third floor as I am getting down, that will be tricky!
-I'm hanging in there.
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