Friday, July 25, 2008

5 days post op

Today was my post op apointment, which wet well. My doc gave me the go ahead to go to work on Monday, so I'm free from the sofa!! I can go to work but I cannot walk around (except every hour I have to walk 5 to 10 min) so I will be asking a lot of my co-workers, but from the sounds of it they will be glad to have me back in the office.

I'll have to do 6 weeks of physical therapy 2 or 3 times a week. My doctor gave me a couple of exercises to do before I start therapy. Very painful! I can tell physical therapy is going to be hard, but I know it will help me recover quicker so I'm going to do what ever it takes to get back on the mountain this winter.

Tonight I'm going to attempt to sleep in our bed, which I'm really looking forward to. I haven't been sleeping well on the sofa, or at all for that matter, because I'm afraid of the cats jumping on my knee, even though they just want to cuddle, it would be very painful. I'm speaking from experience.

I want to thank my visitors for keeping me company, brining me junk food, and DVDs. Thanks for the flowers Gaines Family, your awesome. Love and miss you very much. I hope we can get together sometime soon. Especially with all the Birthdays coming up! I'm so thankful for all the prayers and support.

That's about it for now. Take Care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! Glad things are moving right along!! We hope to catch up with you guys in about two weeks. Love ya friend!!
