Sunday, October 26, 2008


I have a lengthy laundry list of things to do around the house like wash windows and blinds, dust and clean bathrooms, but I can't find the energy. It seems the longer the list gets the more I don't want to start.

Where has my energy level gone?

Could it be that the 90 + degree weather that has wiped me out?

What is with this weather anyway? It's October, I want Fall weather! Fall is my favorite season (if you can say Cali has seasons). November and December better be full of cooler weather and bring lots of snow to Mammoth. It wouldn't hurt if it rained here in Orange County, but that might be too much to ask.

In a couple of weeks Jeff and I are taking off to Ohio to surprise his mom for her birthday, and to see Sighlo play a show at the Newport, our favorite venue. Jeff's parents will be visiting for the first time in six years, and they will get to meet my parents for the first time. I'm excited about them coming to town and I am sure we will have a great time.

Well I'm going to see if I can scratch a few things off my list.

Take care!

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