I absolutely love the Holiday Season.
I love the weather.
I love the weather.
I love Christmas music.
I love the smell of the air.
I love the snow when it falls.
I love the feeling of Joy and Happiness.
Most importantly I love being able to spend time with family and friends.
This past week Jeff's parents made it out from Ohio to visit. It was really nice to have them in town, although I regret being so busy I didn't get to spend a lot of time with them.
They arrived on Wed. and I had to work the rest of the week. Jeff and I had his company Holiday Party on Friday, and I had my LA Architecture class on Saturday. We snuck in a few dinners and even a breakfast, but I wish I would have had more time to show them around town.
Front left to right Jeff's mom, Marylin, Jeff himself, and his dad Don.
Sunday it was Jordan's birthday. He turned 10 years old! I can't believe it.
For his birthday we got him roller blades and took him to a local skating rink. He loves his new roller blades!
Happy Birthday Jordan!!
This Monday through Wed. Jeff is in Ohio helping out Sighlo at a big show. They are opening for Mudvayne, which is a national act, so they are hoping to hook a lot of new fans. I wish I had the time off to go with him to Ohio, but I don't.
I'll be getting our Christmas Letter and card out in the mail soon, so be looking for it.
I have to add this picture of my other nephew Nicholas, because he is just the cutest little thing.
Love ya Lots!
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