We got out of bed at 4 am to get in line at Best Buy with the rest of the insane BF Bargain Hunters. I don't remember what was on our list at Best Buy, but it seems we have to make it there every year and its usually one of our first stops. The line inside to pay can get very long though out the course of the day so the best time to get in it is with in the first 45 min of the doors opening otherwise you should pack a lunch and dinner, because the line could take a few hours. I think we waited in line close to an hour.

This is the first year I didn't see frantic people running and gathering stuff off the shelves. Considering the down economy there were still a large amount of shoppers with cart fulls of goodies.
I unfortunately didn't get either major bargain I had on my list. The first being the black and Decker garage cabinets from Lowe's and the other was a 5 piece Christmas decoration set from Home Depot. It's probably better that these items weren't purchased because 1) I was on a tight budget and 2) there wouldn't' have been room in the car. Keep in mind we drove 5 hours to Arizona to spend Thanksgiving with my Grandma, so what ever we bought had to fit in the car. The big spenders this year were the Men, and it was up to them to fit their findings in the car and what a task that was!
My dad's purchases included a 14 gal. shop vac, Sony home entertainment speaker system which came in a huge box. And Jeff's huge purchase was a 52" TV for his new 'game room', formerly known as the office. This way he can play his video games, Rock Band and keep it all down there and out of the living room, which makes us both happy. It's a win, win situation. Now I have the TV in the living room to watch all my shows and he can play down there and we aren't fighting over the TV, not that there was fighting before, but I have to admit I was getting a little tired of watching FOOTBALL.
So the challenge was to get ALL of this into the car.
And what a challenge it was. I think the whole packing process took a little over an hour.

They re-packed the car more than a couple of times.

Here is Jeff making sure nothing is going to move around.

They didn't leave much room for Jeff, but that was the sacrifice he made for finding a TV almost $1000 off retail price.

A 5 hour car ride without moving an inch and somehow he can smile? He's probably just excited about the TV!

We had a great time in Arizona, and great food. Here is a picture of my dad and me with Grandma Z (Viola).

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