We celebrated with a BBQ in San Diego on Fiesta Island (Fiasco Island). Despite the windy conditions we had a great time. My sister lives a little over an hour away, and my dad flew in from Norther California, so it isn't very often we all get together.
While we were trying to enjoy the sunshine we were fighting to hold down the fort because the wind was blowing incredibly hard. I am convinced it is ALWAYS windy there. This was my second visit to Fiesta Island and it was no different then the first.
Not only was the wind a little crazy but so were the people. I was very surprised the island wasn't patrolled or regulated by law enforcement, except for the two San Diego Police boats that pulled up on the beach to the site to the left of us. We never found out what happened, but there was definitely paper work involved and one of their cars was towed. The San Diego Police boats hung around for about 45min to an hour. That was about it for law enforcement.
Once the Police were gone things around us got a little crazy. Two sites to the right of us there was a dog fight with two dogs which included two men trying to break up the fight. One of the guys had one of the dogs by his hind legs and was trying to pull the other dogs off. I was completely freaking out and thought a dog had one of the guys hand/arm. I was panicking, a little, saying "call 911, call 911." This later became the running joke.
After the fight had settle down we didn't see either of the men hurt but one of the dogs was hurt pretty bad. From where we were sitting we couldn't see much, but it didn't seem like the dog was hurt enough to need immediate assistance. But all throughout the day we kept watching this group with the dogs because we suspected they were on drugs. A couple of them were acting really weired and he couldn't stand still or hardly stand up for that matter. They got crazier as the sun set and the fires were lit.
My 9 year old nephew, Jordan, and his new friend found a MOUSE on the beach, and they proceeded to pick it up.

I had to put that in for my mom, she is completely repulsed by these four legged creatures.
Here are a few pictures I had to snap before the sun set.

Once the sun set the wind died down, but it did get pretty chilly, as long as, we stayed close to the fire we could keep warm. The night ended with some delicous s'mores, is there a better ending to a perfect, but crazy day at the beach?
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