Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Burning down the house!

I was really hungry when i got home from work, and I don't usually have the time to put a huge elaborate dinner together, so I decided to put in a delightful frozen pizza. We got a new kind of Digiorno pizza with garlic crust, so I was excited to try it out. I always cook the pizza directly on the rack so the crust cooks crispy. As the pizza was cooking I had to take a peak, as I opened the oven door there was a waft of smoke that poured out of the oven. The pizza wasn't on fire, but there were drippings coming off the pizza that were burning on the bottom of the oven. The contents on the bottom of the oven seamed greasy which makes me think it was the garlic butter or what ever garlic flavor they put on the crust . The pizza wasn't done cooking so I left it in the smoky oven to finish cooking. Once the timer went off and the pizza was ready to come out the smoke had gotten thicker and soon filled the kitchen with a cloud of eye burning thick smoke. I couldn't believe all this smoke was coming from a few drops of burning garlic butter. We opened all the windows in the kitchen and the living room and of course the air outside was at a stand still so the smoke wasn't going anywhere. I was really surprised none of the smoke detectors weren't going off. Since we live in a condo community our building has a sprinkler system and I was praying they wouldn't go off, but Jeff assured me they were heat censored not smoke censored. After the smoked settled we enjoyed our garlic crust pizza, and it wasn't half bad. If you cook one I would suggest laying a piece of tin foil down on the bottom of the oven for easy clean up.

-I’m off to buy some oven cleaner.

FUN FACT: This fact is totally un-related to cooking pizza, but I thought it was interesting so I had to share.
Did you know that bananas aren't part of the fruit family they are actually considered an herb! That is right you read that correctly I said bananas are an herb. I guess since the stem of a banana plant (commonly referred to as a banana tree) does not contain true woody tissue it is considered an herbaceous plant. CRAZY FUN FACT FOR THE DAY!

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