Sorry its been over a month since I've posted, but we haven't been up to much. Mostly we've been getting in as much snowboarding, in Mammoth, as possible. We had a week long trip planned to Mammoth for a long time, fortunately we had a really nice storm come in the weekend before so we went took advantage of the fresh snow and headed up January 24th for the weekend.

We came home Sunday to work the next day, but the foll0wing Friday Jan 30th couldn't have come soon enough. We took off Friday right after work and we were off for 9 days. We were blessed with great conditions and Mammoth received 3 ft of snow the last few days we were there.

Jeff and I both held out for 8 days of snowboarding IN-A-ROW. I've never gone more than 3 days in a row before so it was a hard goal to meet. We sure got our moneys worth with our season pass in fact we surpassed the amount of days we needed to ride to break even . We've already started saving for next years pass, which go on sale in a couple of months.

After our week vacation, Jeff didn't get enough powder so he went back up the following weekend for another 3 days of boarding and 4 ft of fresh powder. I stayed home and battle a major tooth ache. Before we left for Mammoth for the week I had a root canal, which is were the problem started. I ended up getting an abscess and I was taking vicodine every 2 hours for the pain. I'm still battling the aching tooth, but I'm off the pain meds, which I'm grateful for.
We haven't been working on the condo much, but we do need to get some painting done. I'm getting tired of the white walls. All I have to do is pick out the colors, but that is not as easy as it sounds.
I found some time to re-pot some plants in larger pots and plant some new ones. The plants in the front row are the ones I re-potted and the tall ones in the back I planted in larger containers for our front patio.

The plants look a lot better since they found new homes.

Even the kitties enjoy them. This is a picture of some of them on the front patio

Next I hope to post that we have started some painting. We are getting very close to saving up enough for our custom built-in entertainment center, so soon I'll be posting pictures of that.
I hope we continue to get a ton of snow so we can enjoy some more fresh powder.

Love ya!