Twenty-Seven years ago my mom gave birth to ME!
This post is dedicated to my parents for everything they have done for me. I want to first thank them for making it to the hospital on time, because I've heard stories of that very frosty and windy day in January. Depending on who you talk to, my mom or dad, it was a sketchy drive to the hospital.
I was born in Ceder Rapids, Iowa, and the weather had taken a turn for the worse and no one was supposed to be on the roads or leave their house. My mom had been moving furniture (don't ask) earlier that day and she started feeling contractions so she knew it was time, but neither my dad nor sister were home. She patiently, or maybe not so patiently, waited for their return. Once they returned my mom and dad headed to the hospital. My mom said she almost had me in the car because the road conditions were so bad, my dad had to drive slow and cautious, or maybe he wasn't so slow and cautious because my mom tells me there was almost an accident. And this is where my first thank you comes in to play. "Thank You dad for NOT crashing on the way to hospital, and Thank You mom for not having me in the car."
My next thanks comes 4 years later in 1986. I never thought I'd say this, but "Thank You for moving to California." I wouldn't be the person I am today if we hadn't. I wouldn't have had the same opportunities and I wouldn't have met all the wonderful friends I have now. Things would be a lot different if we had stayed in Iowa. Although, years after we moved I wanted SO BADLY to move back, I now see the bigger picture and I say Thank You! Don't get me wrong I LOVE Iowa, and I love where I came from, but the path my life has taken would be different for sure.
I've probably always had this personality trait, but I'm LOUD; sometimes too loud, too obnoxious, and too wild (okay so maybe more than one trait). I have learned to accept that about me and I have learned to control it, for the most part. I want to say Thank You for putting up with me. I should also say Thank You to my sister, Gayla. After all, she is the one who had to put up with me ALL the time. Sometimes my parents would send me along with her to the mall or over to her friends house to make sure she didn't get into trouble. There is a fairly big age gap between us of 7 years and 6 months, so for her it was SO NOT COOL to have her little sister hanging around, but for me it was WAY COOL, because I got to hang out with my cool older sister. While I'm at it I should probably say Thank You for all the trips to Clarks for ice cream. Having an older sister that could drive also made me WAY COOL.
I want to thank my parents for instilling good values in me as a youngin'. I definitely wouldn't be the person I am today if it weren't for their love and Christian values. As a child they always talked to me about making the right choices for myself and my future.
In 1995, at the age of 13, I had the opportunity to go "Down Under" to Australia. I was chosen by
People to People to be a student ambassador of the United States. This was one of the best opportunities ever. As I recall the cost was expensive, so my parents goal for me was to raise half of the money myself and the other half they would pitch in. I worked hard selling things in a craft fair and doing chores around the house. I started earning an allowance and most of it went towards my trip. I don't think I came close to earning half, but I did learn how to manage money and I did learn that hard work pays off, so for that I say "Thank You".
If it weren't for my parents I would have a TON of college debt. Thank You for paying for my college tuition! I can't say that enough and I certainly didn't take it for granted. I have a lot of friends who had to pay their own way through college and years after they have graduated they are still paying off their school debt. Thank you for not allowing me to go head over heals into debt. Two years and eight months after graduating college I was able to buy a condo, and I wouldn't have been able to full fill that dream without your help through college. Thank You!
There are so many other "Thank You's" that I could give but I can't think of all of them right now. Mostly, thank you for being there for me when ever I've needed you, and thank you for everything you've been able to teach me.