As a huge bargain hunter I LOVE black Friday. If you have never been shopping the day after Thanksgiving I suggest you try it at least once. I've been doing this for the past three years, this year being my fourth, and I hope to never miss another year. I owe my addiction to bargain hunting to my mom and owe my addiction to Black Friday to my wonderful cousin
At the time,
Jaci lived in Seattle,
Wa. and I went to visit her just after they closed escrow on their first home. Her and her husband, Tim, kept talking about going shopping Friday morning and I didn't understand what the big fuss was over"Black Friday".
Oh I had no clue what I was in for. If you think shopping should be a sport then this day should be considered the super bowl of all shopping days, with elbow and knee pads included. I've seen fights, shoving, loud cussing and a whole lot of line cutting. Oh the joys of bargain hunting, everyone wants a piece.
So the key to getting a good Black Friday deal is planning. This year, my dad, Jeff and me will be driving to Arizona to spend time with my grandma, Viola, so the planning of our great attack will be a little tricky since I'm not familiar with the distance to the stores or the times they open. Last year Jeff and I were living in San Diego and we drove up to Lake Elsinore Outlets late Thanksgiving night to go to KB Toys. It was amazing how many people were already in line.
Last year we were getting ready to move into our new house so most of our items were focused around things we needed. My favorite purchase of all were my dishes, which I found at Kohl's for $40 (8 place setting) so I bought TWO. I know have 16 of everything and I never have to do half loads in the dishwasher because we are out of plates or bowls. I love it!
This year I have my eye on some Black and Decker garage cabinets that are MORE than 1/2 off. Originally they are about $100 and their BF price is $39!! I'm not going to give away the location because there better be two left for me when I get there, and they better fit in my car for the drive back to Ca.
Jaci and Tim for this wonderful addiction, and thanks mom for teaching me what a bargain is when I see it.
FYI: I'm going to be an auntie again, my sister is due in June. I'm really praying and hoping for a niece. I've been doing the niece dance so I hope it pays off.