Sunday, October 26, 2008
Where has my energy level gone?
Could it be that the 90 + degree weather that has wiped me out?
What is with this weather anyway? It's October, I want Fall weather! Fall is my favorite season (if you can say Cali has seasons). November and December better be full of cooler weather and bring lots of snow to Mammoth. It wouldn't hurt if it rained here in Orange County, but that might be too much to ask.
In a couple of weeks Jeff and I are taking off to Ohio to surprise his mom for her birthday, and to see Sighlo play a show at the Newport, our favorite venue. Jeff's parents will be visiting for the first time in six years, and they will get to meet my parents for the first time. I'm excited about them coming to town and I am sure we will have a great time.
Well I'm going to see if I can scratch a few things off my list.
Take care!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Weekend update...
He was very good for his Auntie Glo! He is a very mellow kid so he is very easy going and easy to take care of. Nick is just learning to talk so he is at the cutest stage. He loves to play "patty cake" and sing "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands..." he gets so excited, its adorable. Her is the only picture I took of him. Isn't he precious? I just love to kiss those cheeks!!
Nicholas loved chasing the cats around the house, but I'm not sure they enjoyed it as much. It was so cute, Sasha would sit right outside the door where Nick was sleeping, I think she was protecting him.
Sunday my sister picked Nicholas up early and Jeff and I took off for Six Flad Magic Mountain. Last year we bought season passes for the same price as a day pass. What a deal! Since our passes were good for the rest of '07 and all of '08 we have gone a few times.
Jeff is a roller coaster finatic, (even if he won't admit it) he can tell you the speed, how many loops, twists bends it has, what year it was built, and most importatnly how to navigate through the park to get to it. If it weren't for him we probably would have spent 3+ hours just locating the coasters. It is a very confusing and hilly park.We took 4 guys from Jeff's copmany with us who are from India. I think they had a blast. None of them had ever been on an upside down roller coaster before so it was a real treat for them.
Here is a picture of Jeff and the guys before we went into the park.
From left to right: Arpit, Bhupendra (boo-pendra), Amit, Jeff and Rajesh (ra-shish).
We rode 10 roller coasters, with 39 inversion or loops total. I sat the last three out because I had a raging headache by the end of the day. So I can't say I rode on all 10.
Here is a pic of Jeff and me loaded on Tatsu, which has 4 inversions.
And here is a video of us taking off from the plat form. (sorry about the clairity these were taken from a camera phone) On this coaster you ride on your stomach and it feels like your flying through the air. We were riding in the front row for the full effect.
Here is another pic of us on Viper, which as 7 inversions.
Backrow left to right: me looking straight at the camera with the largest smile I could make, and next to me is Jeff with is tounge sticking out. The front row left to right: Bhupendra and Arpit. We were having FUN! I think Bhupendra was holding on for dear life.
I just want to say think you to the guys for sharing such a great day. It was long and tiring, but well worth it. Thanks to Bhupendra for supplying most of the pictures with your camera phone. This post wouldn't be the same without pictures!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Look what arrived today....
Check out the size of that map!! Happy birthday babe!! We can now enjoy snowboarding when ever we want and we don't have to worry about scrapping together the whopping $80 or so for the ONE DAY pass.
Lately I've been so busy I haven't had time to sit down and post. I'm going to try to fill you in on everything that has been going on.
First of all, I have one more day of physical therapy. Although it has been time consuming, I'm not sure I'm ready for it to end. I have been having strange onsets of pain, but both my surgeon and my physical therapist have assured me it's normal and my muscles are still adjusting. Boy, it's amazing how much my quad muscles have been effected after the surgery. I've been told it could take up to 18 months after surgery to be back to normal muscle strenth and activity.
Aside from physical therapy twice a week I have been taking a class on Thursday nights, which is a Leadership Class put on by our city. I was lucky to be accepted into the class, which is 9 weeks long. Each night I learn about the community we live in, and I can't wait to run home and tell Jeff all the fun facts I've memorized. One night we took a field trip up to the Orange County 911 dispatch center. That was a dream come true for me, because as a little girl I always wanted to be a 911 dispatcher. My favorite show was Rescue 911. That field trip was very informative on how our County reacts to disasters and other emergency situations. The dispatch center we visited also houses the counties emergency planning. Since there wasn't a disaster or city wide emergency we were able to visit the many rooms that are need for the great organization of disaster relief. It was such a rush to think of the chaos that must go on in these rooms, the important decisions that were made at those tables.
Over the last couple of weeks Jeff has been traveling for his company. One week he was sent up to Norther California for work, where he was able to meet and have dinner with 3 of my girlfriends I went to college with. I sure wish I could have joined them, but it sounds like they had a good time. Thanks Gina, Megan and Jordana for taking the time to meet up. I know Jeff appreciated it and enjoyed it. The following week Jeff was sent to Minnesota for some more training, and then back to Norther California. He was a busy guy, but I'm glad he is back home, because the girls and I sure miss him when he is gone.
My mom and I enrolled in a college class offered by Saddleback College, which is only a once a month class and it focuses on Los Angeles Architecture. The first Sat. of every month for 5 months we have been venturing up to LA to wonder the streets with our professor. We both enjoy the class and I think we have learned a lot, but we also have fun. I'll have a post dedicated to my favoite buildings and houses we visit, along with lots of pictures. Next month we are visiting the Holly Hock house of Frank Lloyd Wright so I'm excited about that.
September 27th was Founders Day and my best friend Tiffany, her two adorable sons (Christian and Luke), her sister Tammy, and my mom (Lora) all went to the Aliso Viejo Ranch for some great fun and activities. Christian rode his first horse, we had a water baloon fight, and we won TWO cakes at the cake walk. I'm not sure either of the cakes made it home or even had a bite taken out of them because if I remember correctly it was about 100 degrees that day and the cakes melted like crazy.
Here is a picture from Founders Day of Christian on his first horsey.
Here is another of him trying to break out of jail. What a cutie pie!
Unfortunately his little brother Luke slept through the whole event, so I don't have any pictures of him. That just means we'll have to do it again next year!
This last weekend Jeff and I drove up to Montery for Megan's birthday. She is one of my College friends from San Jose. Happy Birthday Megan!!Megan and Jason holding the Barbie Doll cake. She had a "kids" theme party. Like the ones we used to have when we were kids with goodie bags, lots of candy, and more candy. It was a great idea and a great party. Thanks Megan for having us and for all the hard work you went through to throw such a wonderful party.
Jordana and me at Megan's party.
It was so good to see my San Jose girls. I wish we could do it more often, but seeing that I'm so far away it makes it kinda hard, so I definately cherish the time spent together.
While Jeff and I traveld the 6+ hours to Montery my dad drove down to meet us. I think it was a 2 hour drive for him. We enjoyed the Montery Bay Aquarium, which was very cool.My camera didn't take very good pictures inside the Aquarium but here is a one at the jelly fish tank. These creaturs are so intersting to watch manuver through the water.
Sorry to make this post so long. I hope I haven't put youto sleep by now. Since it's been a while there is so much to catch up on. I promise I will do my best to post as often as I can. I didn't realize I had so many people still ready my blog, until these past few weeks I've had several people mention that I haven't posted in a while. So I know your out there please send me a comment from time to time as a reassurance that your there. I always enjoy reading your comments too.
Take care everyone. Love and miss you all!!
Glo, Jeff, Sabian and Sasha